Smoothie Bowl of the Week: 7.11.18

Oh man team, what is up with this World Cup?

ALL of my teams are out- I mean ALL of them and I have FOUR: Italy, Germany, Brazil, & USA and we all out.

So in honor of my last team standing, Brazil, today's Smoothie Bowl is an acai fusion- that's why it's lighter in color.

I'll do another acai bowl recipe soon, but this one is basic AF and you know what? This week I really just need things to be simple.

1/2 Bottle Zola Acai Juice (Found at Safeway, WholeFoods, EarthFare
1 Frozen Banana 
Ice Cubes
Raspberries to decorate
1/2 Banana to Decorate
Coconut Flakes

Start yo' Morning Off Right!


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