Smoothie Bowl of the Week: 7.27.18

The best things in life are simple. They are also filling, tasty and good for you. Well this my health amigos checks off every box.

1 Banana (Balances sugar levels)
1/2 Can of Full Fat Coconut Milk (Fat is Filling- you will not starve by your 10 am meeting)
1 TSP of RIshi Sweet Matcha Green Tea Powder (A sweetner with a wee bit of caffeine/ fab color).

Hint: Best places to buy Coconut Milk? Whole Foods if you're an Amazon Prime Member (remember, you must download the Whole Food App for the discount to work) - and if you live in Ohio- Earth Fare. 

So my kitchen photography skills need some work - at least now you know what you're looking for at Whole Foods.


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