Summer Salad Series: Week 4

Taco Friday Anyone?

I think I've come across maybe 1.5 people who do not enjoy tacos and I truly feel bad for them.

I also know that tacos can come packaged like the greatest thing to happen to America since NASA, but make you feel like there's rocket fuel in your gut, so behold the taco salad! (A healthy taco salad, not the 940 calorie taco salad from Wendy's).

Boston Lettuce (for mini lettuce wraps if you'd like!)
Cauliflower Rice (put cauliflower in food processor or blender, saute' in olive oil for 5 minutes)
Grilled Steak or Chicken or Not
Saute' peppers and onions in olive oil with salt and pepper
Guac to your taste (I like onions, tomatoes, salt, and lime juice)


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