Introducing Me!

I'm Ashley - otherwise known as Shley because I hate the name Ash and by the time social media and gmail were on my radar all the cool Ashley handles were taken.

I'm a broke* millennial just trying to make it in the real world with a bachelors in Political Science, MA in Sports Management and Law and a lifetime of knowledge. 

I teach yoga, get paid $12.00 hour at a ski resort, currently live on a mountain and own a seafoam green scooter named Emmy.

I lead an unusual life - mostly out of a suitcase or on the run- not from the law - but because I think the world is meant to be seen! This explains why I have lived in Cleveland, Chicago, Minneapolis, Washington DC, Italy, Germany, England, Switzerland, Brazil and now Breckenridge, CO.

I understand it probably sounds weird to say I'm broke* and then check my gram and see I stayed in an 18 million dollar house in Telluride this year, but part of what makes me interesting is the contrast between my poor bank account and my wealth of life adventures.

See what I did there- note my definition of "broke" is at the bottom.

I live with my boyfriend/ professional snowboard instructor, Wilbur, and three male roommates- we moved in together after eight weeks of dating. By moved in I mean drove from Cleveland to Colorado in his giant soon to be camper van after giving my parents 24 hours notice.

My parents were thrilled. Not. I am an only child of two epic humans and was raised in their hometowns of Cleveland and Chicago. (They are still together but my mom took a while to let go of her Chicago roots and still went to her hair dresser there until I was 3? 5?). 

This is a forum of my life stories (aka adventures), thoughts and fitness endeavors.

I started writing many of them when I was 27 and wanted to write a book called "This.Is.27." except now I'm 29 and the point is moot. 

Sit back, relax, drink, yoga, and enjoy.

Ashley (or Shley)

Broke: Can only eat out once a week; unable to fathom putting a down payment down on a house, townhouse, condo, studio apartment or a car. Occasionally eats ramen; wears jeans with holes courtesy of chub rub because I'd rather spend $80 on a flight, only gets a haircut maybe (maybeee) twice a year. Also works a few jobs, wears lululemon and uses miles to leave country on an annual basis. 


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